An Intro Test-Driven Development and JestWhen I started my time at Flatiron School, a lot of the coding we did had tests for us to pass. What I didn’t know on at that time (the…Aug 4, 2022Aug 4, 2022
useContext for Global StateAlong the journey of learning React Hooks and developing my Netflix Movie Matcher app, I reached a point where I started to implement a…Jul 20, 2022Jul 20, 2022
Early Lessons on Props and StateOne trick I’ve used over the years to help me learn new concepts is to re-write more technical concepts as if I want a 7 years old to…Dec 11, 2020Dec 11, 2020
Save Time SeedingUse the Faker Gem to save time and have fun seeding your database.Nov 6, 2020Nov 6, 2020